検索キーワード「rocky road」に一致する投稿を関連性の高い順に表示しています。 日付順 すべての投稿を表示
検索キーワード「rocky road」に一致する投稿を関連性の高い順に表示しています。 日付順 すべての投稿を表示

【印刷可能】 haagen-dazs cm tracks 240176-Haagen-dazs cm tracks

Haagen Dazs Ice Cream Social

Haagen Dazs Ice Cream Social

HäagenDazs doesn't hold back when it comes to only using the best ingredients in its products That's why it's the best ice cream in the world And that's why the term "Don't hold back" is at the center of HäagenDazs' new brand idea – a call for everyone to follow their inner voice and live life to New Haagen Dazs Ice Cream This newcomer with its banana and chocolate and cookie ingredients seems to have all the required food groups within its mini cupTheres a distinct banana presence as soon as you peel back the plastic cover revealing the grainy brown surface embedded with pieces of cookie and softened with melting chocolate sauce

Haagen-dazs cm tracks
